Monday, February 6, 2012

Math Update

As the fifth grade works its way through this current math chapter, I have found a common link between those students who are struggling with fractions and the concepts and skills.  Equally, I have found common link between those who are excelling in this area. The link is the same for both.

Those who are struggling with fractions lack an automatic recall of basic math facts, which is a "key foundation for higher level math skills (Developing Automatic Recall, 2006)."  Those who are "getting it" and excelling in this area have a solid foundation of basic facts upon which they may rely without having to count on fingers.

If your child is currently "getting it," he/she has been given the opportunity to move ahead in the chapter and have enrichment activities to help solidify the concepts of fractions.  The goal is for all the students to "get it" by the final chapter assessment (test), but, as in life, some students will "get it" before others. So for those students, depending on the length of time needed, a small group may move ahead to the next chapter before the rest of the class.

If your child is currently struggling with fractions or concepts please help by, 1) have your child come talk to me at lunch for extra help, and 2) practice the multiplication and division math facts.  I will include a couple of math websites for your convenience, but the old fashion way always works too!  Have your child write the facts down in order (see example below).  Write the multiplication facts and division facts in order... simple as that and REPEAT all the way to 12... then do it again!!!

1 x 2 = 2
2 x 2 = 4
2 x 3 = 6 

24 ÷ 2 = 12
22 ÷ 2 = 11
20 ÷ 2 = 10

Timed online flashcards - AplusMath

Times tables online practice - Multiplication Practice

Division Practice - (Be sure to scroll down) AAAmath

Division Game - Division Practice