Monday, December 10, 2012

December News and Events

Hello Parents and Students,

Wednesday, December 12:
Vocabulary/Spelling Test - Units 3 and 4

Friday, December 14:
Math Quiz - Multiplication two and three digit multiplication

Wednesday, December 19
5th Grade Christmas party from 11 to 12:30 pm.  
We could use a few parents to help or to donate some snacks/drinks.  
Please email Nina Mueller or Jo Dudley if you wish to help or donate.

Thursday, December 20
Christmas Program

Christmas Book Report - Due Jan 25 (but get a jump over the break!)
- More info coming soon... scroll to the bottom of this post for more info...

Student Council Christmas Spirit Events!

Christmass Accessories from  - FREE!!
Santa Hats, Christmas socks, christmas scarfs, pins, earrings, etc...

Christmas Grams 
 -  Four for a $1 - must use bills... no coins
 -  on sale - Dec. 3- 14 (Delivered Dec. 18-20)

Pajama Day - Dec. 19 FREE!!
- Students must still wear tennis shoes... NO SLIPPERS OR UGGGS!..
- Reminder: Wear clean, appropriate pajamas for spaghetti straps or bare mid-drifts.

- Candy apples and popcorn PRE-SALE $2.00
(delivered on Dec. 19)

Christmas Movie Day - - FREE
- In parish hall 
- Upper grade movie (gr. 5-8)  - 10:50 - 12:30
- Lower grade movie (gr. pre-K-4)   1:10 - 2:30
- Need parent volunteers from 8:30 - 11:00 to help with popcorn - please contact Mrs. Lennon -


After reading either Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink or Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes design a container that will hold clues about your book.

Container (box or bag):
  •     Decorate so it relates to the book and …
  •     Include the following inside:

·      Questions-
o   Five general questions about the book
o   Five question you asked yourself while reading the book

·      Vocabulary-
o   Create a 10 word glossary of words unfamiliar to you from the book
§  Be sure it looks like a glossary… word, p.o.s, def., synonyms and antonyms.

·      Things-
o   Include 5 items that have a connection to the story.

·      The final part of the book report is presenting your book in a box.
·      You will summarize your book and explain your container and the things you included.
·      Reports should be approximately 3 minutes long. Be sure to include elements such as setting, characters and conflict. Bonus points awarded if student discusses the theme and examples from the story.

Container -                             10 pts.

Questions -                             10pts.

Vocabulary -                          10pts.

Things -                                  10pts.

Presentation-                         10 pts.

Bonus -                                  5 pts.

Total __________________ 50 pts

Book Report is due Friday, January 25

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Book Report - Due Nov. 30, 2012

Cereal Box Book Report
Due: Friday, November 30

OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension of a novel by reading a self-selected book and creating a “cereal box book report” at home. Students will “decorate” a real cereal box with illustrations and information related to the book they read using the directions below.

GRADING: Students will be graded on neatness, creativity and the inclusion of all the elements listed below: characters, setting, plot, vocabulary, summary, illustrations, title, author and “star rating” given to the book. 

FRONT OF BOX: Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box.  (You will probably want to create the cover before gluing it on your box.)  Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book.  Choose a shape for the cereal as well as colors and ingredients that all relate to the book. For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightning bolts. 

RIGHT SIDE: Make a list of ingredients that includes the story elements Characters and Setting.  Under the heading "Ingredients," list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting. 

LEFT SIDE: Write a summary that describes the main problem and the solution of the book.  Try to use words that will “grab” readers’ attention and make them want to buy your cereal. 

BACK OF BOX: Design a game that is based on the story using vocabulary from the book. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden pictures illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book.

TOP OF BOX: Include the title, author, number of pages, and number of stars you would give this book if you were a book critic.  The maximum number of stars would be 5. 

PRIZE (optional): Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character.  You can even include a picture of the prize on the front of your box to let the reader know what is inside the box.

**This cereal box book report information sheet will also be posted on the 5th grade blog (

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Parent Conference Week

Hello All,

A few reminders:

1) This week is parent conference week.  If you still need to sign up for a conference, please do so ASAP!
2) Scholastic Book Orders are due on Thursday - See below for a link to the scholastic website.
3) Red folders with student work went home today.  Please sign the first couple of papers, so I know you have gone through the bunch!

Thank you!

Parent Conference Schedule below:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Scholastic Book Order Forms

Hello All,

Help get more books for our classroom library....order your scholastic book order online!  Click the link to go straight to our classroom page, your orders will be delivered to St. Jerome and distributed with the rest of the students' orders when they arrive!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of October 29

Schedule and Upcoming Tests/Quizzes 

Monday 10/29
Religion: Ch. 3
Social Studies Unit 1 Test (Postponed from Friday)
- Be sure you have your one page front and back "study sheet."

Tuesday 10/30
Science: Ch. 4

Wednesday 10/31
Halloween Parade - 8:30
Half Day Schedule - Dismissal at 12:30

Thursday 11/1
All Saints Day Mass 8:00am Please arrive to school by 7:45

Friday 11/2
Math (Simple Solutions): Lessons 5-8
Vocabulary: Unit 2

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Math Notes 9-26-12

I will begin to add these notes to the "Math" section.  Click the tab above to access the notes in the future.

These notes below will help with tonight's homework, math wkbk. p. 6 - #'s 1-20 ODDS only - Please be sure to write the problems and the answers!

Click the images below to enlarge for better viewing.

9.26.12 Simple Solutions

I will begin to add these notes to the "Math" section.  Click the tab above to access the notes in the future.

These below are questions some students had regarding the Simple Solutions Lessons 5 and 6. Click on the image to enlarge.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Back to School Night Info

As Requested...
Back to School Night Info!

Important things to remember:

  1. Be on time to school!  This is a big part of student success!
  2. *** On Fridays, we walk our "little buddies" to mass.  Please be sure to be here by 7:45, so we can fulfill our responsibility!
     Body Awareness:
  1. Make sure your child's uniform (and P.E. uniform) fits comfortably.  Buy uniforms a size up, to be prepared for growth spurts.
  2. This helps students to be comfortable while in school and keep their minds on their school work!
     Homework & Math Facts
  1. Math facts drill every night!  "Math Minutes" were sent home last week... be sure to check on this with your child.  
  2. For parents, a read that may change your changed mine! Ending the Homework Hassle by, John Rosemond.

Information to refer back to:
  1. My email: (safe to your contacts). 
  2. Or, here is a direct link:
  3. Save this blog address and/or become a member of the blog 5th Grade Blog


Mrs. Lennon  - 5th Homeroom
Mr. Del Toro - 5th Science
Mr. Brandlin  - 5th Social Studies
Mr. Joseph   -  5th Music
Mrs. Klasila  - 5th P.E

Late/Absent Work:
Late work will be accepted the following day at a reduced grade.  It will count as a “Homework Missing,” which builds towards mandatory attendance at the “Homework Room.” 

Absent work may be obtained by: calling ahead to pick up by a parent or sibling or on the day of the student’s return, check the homework book and check with teacher to confirm assignments.  Absent work is due the following the student’s return to school, (unless other arrangements are made).

Grading will follow the school grading scale in the School Policy Manual (can be found online).

Daily Work Habits Grading:
Work Habits grades can be found in the student planner each day and are based on the student’s productivity in the classroom.  Grades are represented by:

O = Outstanding
G = Good
S = Satisfactory
NI = Needs Improvement

Teacher Conferences:
I am available by appointment only.  Please schedule by email  or you may write me a note in the student agenda.

Thank you in advance for your support of St. Jerome and the fifth grade.     
Sincerely,  Mrs. Lennon                      


2:00 – 2:45      Spanish

2:00 – 2:45      Science

Wednesday Only

***Arrive at school by 7:45 for mass!  The fifth grade are responsible for their "little buddies" in first grade.  We walk them to church, so we need to be here early so we can fulfill our responsibility.

Opening Exercises
***Arrive by 7:45
8:00- 9:00
8:00 – 8:15
8:15 – 9:45
Language Arts
Language Arts
Language Arts
Language Arts
Language Arts
9:45 – 10:35
Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
Language Arts
1:10 – 2:00
Language Arts/C.Lab

2:00 – 2:50

Closing Exercises

  1. Planner (Agenda)
    1. Daily work habits grade
    2. Positive reinforcements
    3. Missing assignments
    4. Parent and teacher notes
  2. Phone calls or email –
  3. “Office Hours”

  1. Important part of school success.
    1. Being on time allows students to prepare for the day and get collected before the school day begins.
    2. Absences are a part of the school year, but eliminating unnecessary absences insures school success.
  1. Daily homework is written on the board.  Students copy the assignments into their planners.
  2. Homework is completed at home in a specified location (or after school care).
  3. Parents sign the planner each night (or morning).
  4. Missing homework affects work habits grade.  Three missing assignments equal “homework room.”  Please see homework room and detention policies in the School Policy Manual.
How you can help at home
  1. Provide a quiet place for homework and set an ending time for daily homework.
  2. Have students read for pleasure every night (10-20 minutes)… or read to them!
  3. Check that homework is neat and complete.
  4. Sign planner!
  5. Ask them about school!
       Please see me for any comments of concerns regarding the curriculum.  Below is a skeleton of the year.  There is a lot more “meat” to cover as well..
      Thank You!

      Foundation for pre-algebra and algebra
      Solidifying knowledge for junior high
      Number sense
      Fractions, decimals, percents
      Geometry formulas
      Simple Solutions and Math Text

      Main focus: Sacraments
       Also focuses on the liturgy
       Sacrament Group Project
       Saint Report
       Social Studies
      From early explorers through the American Revolution and statehood.

       Language Arts - Includes:
      Reading, English, Vocabulary
      Novels, (spread out throughout the year):
       Dear Mr. Henshaw
       Sign of the Beaver
       Caddie Woodlawn
       Assorted plays
       Reading Anthology
      Grammar development and sentence structure.
      Developing their thoughts, supporting ideas and creating the “perfect paragraph,”
       …which translates into learning how to structure the three and five paragraph essays.