Tuesday, November 22, 2011

State Report Homework over Thanksgiving

Holiday To Do's
1. State Report assignment (see below). - Due 11/28
2. Science Homework p. 75 # 1-2, p. 77 #1-2, p. 79 # 1-2 - Assigned 11/21 - Due 11/28
3. Optional Reading Log (handed out in class 11/22) for Extra Credit. - Optional - Due 11/28

Today the students received directions for the outline that they are to complete over the break.  Students are to fill in the "body paragraphs" for the outline.  Students complete numbers 4, 5 and 6 below in short phrases to convey the ideas they want included in their report.

The outline should be filled out in this manner, short phrases, not complete sentences.  Numbers 4, 5 and 6 below, in outline form are due on Monday, November 28.

State Report

4. Paragraph 2 HISTORY-- Pg. 4
            Write about at least one of these topics: *Statehood* Explorers* Indian tribes * Settlers *       Government* Past and current events * Wars and battles, famous people

5. Paragraph 3 GEOGRAPHY and CLIMATE-- Pg. 5, 6, 7
            Write about the geography and climate of your state- (how does the geography affect
            the climate?)

            Write about the natural resources/industries/products of your state (crops, mining, industries)
            You can include pictures, or a map or chart

Title ______________________________

I. Introduction paragraph- brief – do not go into detail

            Thesis (main topic )______________________________________

A. ____________________________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________________________

            Conclusion _____________________________________________________

II. Body Paragraphs

A. topic_________________________________________________

1. support #1____________________________________________
2. support #2____________________________________________
3. support #3____________________________________________
4. support #4____________________________________________


B. topic________________________________________________________

1. support #1_________________________________________________
2. support #2_________________________________________________
3. support #3_________________________________________________
4. support #4_________________________________________________


C. topic____________________________________________________

1. support #1________________________________________________
2. support #2________________________________________________
3. support #3________________________________________________
4. support #4________________________________________________


Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to wish all the fifth graders and their families a joyous and restful Thanksgiving.  There is only one mandatory assignment over the break.  It will be given to the students on Tuesday, November 22 and will be posted here soon.

For those students who are looking to get ahead for the start of their second trimester, I am offering an optional reading log for extra credit (handed out in class on 11/22), and the "next 10 states," which are posted below so everyone may begin practicing.  Be sure to practice with a map, which can be found on the Social Studies Tab above or click here.

Thirty States to Know
for next test
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virgina

First Ten States:
  1. Connecticut
  2. Delaware
  3. Maryland
  4. Massachusetts
  5. New Hampshire
  6. New Jersey
  7. New York
  8. Pennsylvania
  9. Rhode Island
  10. Vermont
Next Ten States:
  1. Florida
  2. Georgia
  3. Kentucky
  4. Maine
  5. North Carolina
  6. Ohio
  7. South Carolina
  8. Tennessee
  9. Virginia
  10. West Virgina
Next Ten States:
  1. Michigan
  2. Indiana
  3. Illinois
  4. Wisconsin
  5. Alabama
  6. Mississippi
  7. Iowa
  8. Missouri
  9. Arkansas
  10. Louisiana

Monday, November 21, 2011

Report Cards Go Home - REVISED!

Report cards will be coming home in the Family Envelope Tuesday, November 22 - oops! Tuesday, November 29!  My apologies for the typo.... Please sign and return to school with your child on Wednesday, November 30.

Thank You!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Next Week's Test Schedule

Social Studies - Chapter 6, Lessons 1-2 Extra Credit due.
  - Copy question from the quiz that was marked wrong.
  - Find the answer in your social studies book.
  - Write the correct answer.
  - Write the page number and paragraph number where you found the answer.
Science Test

Vocabulary/Spelling - Unit 5 Test
Nouns (Singular, Plural, possessive) - Test
First 20 States and Capitals Test with Map.

Optional Extra Credit - Reading Log
More to come with State Project over Thanksgiving.

Language Arts - Nouns: singular, plural and possessive - Quiz

Friday, November 11, 2011

Upcoming Tests & Quizzes

All week: The students will be working on their rough drafts for their state report.  Be sure to bring resource materials to class.

Social Studies - States and Capitals Map Retake

Completed journals due

Reading - The Diver and the Dolphins Test

Social Studies - Chapter 6, Lessons 1-2 Quiz
Language Arts - Nouns: singular, plural and possessive - Quiz

Sunday, November 6, 2011

State Report Update

Hello All,

I have received a few requests for a more detailed due date itinerary for the State Project Report.  Students each filled in the "Major Due Dates" area of the packet and below, find the detailed information as requested. Thank you for all of your support!
Mrs. Lennon

P.S.  Please find complete report information by clicking this LINK.
P.P.S.  I have emailed the report information to all the parents, if you did not receive a copy and would like one, please email me, LennonSJS@me.com.

The following are the various parts of this project (check off when completed).
1.       Email the state tourism office to request information, brochures and a map of the state.
  • Rough draft due 11/4
  • Email office 11/7
2.      Gather your resources for your research paper (5 paragraph report). You must have a minimum of 4 varied resources of the following: 1+ books, 1 encyclopedia excerpt, 1 internet source. (school and home)
  • Internet - at school - 11/8 and 11/10
  • 1 Book - at school and home - School library 11/8
  • Encyclopedia - home - 11/8
3.      Fill in the "facts at a glance" table with the most up-to-date information possible (check http://state.1keydata.com/california.php or http://www.50states.com/ or www.infoplease.com, or http://www.postcardsfrom.com/t1/971013.html ). (homework)
  • Facts at a glance - 11/18
4.      Submit a bibliography (include in final report).
  • Due with written portion 12/16
5.      Complete an outline for the report (use outline template-include in final report). Make note-cards.
  • Outline due 11/30
  • Note-cards due 11/30

 6.      Written 5 paragraph report (rough draft at school –final draft copy to be done at home). Use teacher outline provided as model
  • Rough Draft - 12/9
  • Final Draft - 12/16
 7.      At least two different types of hand-drawn maps (#1 political, #2 physical, product/manufacturing, population density, etc). check http://www.50states.com/maps/ for blank maps (homework)
  • Maps due - 1/4
8.      A Power Point Presentation following teacher template that covers major sections of your written report. (school) State song MIDI files can be found on www.50states.com
  • Power Point Presentation due - 1/10
9.      State float* displaying symbols of the state. (homework)
                        *Alternate Plan: A state paper quilt that includes the same content criteria as the float.
  • State Float of quilt due - 1/31
 10.  Oral presentation of your state with the Power Point (3-5 minutes in length).
  • Oral presentations due 1/17-20
  • Parents invited to come to the class to view presentations!

Major Due Dates:

______12/16___1. Written 5 paragraph report final copy including the:
Ø      Cover with hand-drawn state flag, student name, state name
Ø      bibliography
Ø      report outline, note cards and rough draft

_____1/31____2. State float or quilt
____1/10_____3. Power Point Presentation
___1/17-20___4. Oral presentation with PPT (3-5 minutes)

**late work will be marked down by 10%

Student signature ______________________

Parent Signature                                        

**The entirety of the report information can be found on LennonSJS.blogspot.com

Upcoming Tests & Quizzes

Reading Logs - Due today

Simple Solutions - Lessons 25-32

Math: Chapter 2 Test
States/Capitals - Map Retake

Vocabulary/Spelling - Unit 4 Test
New 10 States to Study - Given out today.  See next post for 20 states and capitals.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011