Tuesday, October 25, 2011

State Project!

There are several parts to the State Research Project for 5th Grade. These activities will take a great deal of effort, so we will spend several months to complete them. Some work will be done at home, some will be done at school.

The following are the various parts of this project (check off when completed).
1.       Email the state tourism office to request information, brochures and a map of the state.

2.      Gather your resources for your research paper (5 paragraph report). You must have a minimum of 4 varied resources of the following: 1+ books, 1 encyclopedia excerpt, 1 internet source. (school and home)

3.      Fill in the "facts at a glance" table with the most up-to-date information possible (check http://state.1keydata.com/california.php or http://www.50states.com/ or www.infoplease.com, or http://www.postcardsfrom.com/t1/971013.html ). (homework)

4.      Submit a bibliography (include in final report).

5.      Complete an outline for the report(use outline template-include in final report). Make note-cards.

6.      Written 5 paragraph report (rough draft at school –final draft copy to be done at home). Use teacher outline provided as model

7.      At least two different types of hand-drawn maps (#1 political, #2 physical, product/manufacturing, population density, etc). check http://www.50states.com/maps/ for blank maps (homework)

8.      A Power Point Presentation following teacher template that covers major sections of your written report. (school) State song MIDI files can be found on www.50states.com

9.      State float* displaying symbols of the state. (homework)
                        *Alternate Plan: A state paper quilt that includes the same content criteria as the float.

10.  Oral presentation of your state with the Power Point (3-5 minutes in length).
Major Due Dates:

______________1. Written 5 paragraph report final copy including the:
Ø      Cover with hand-drawn state flag, student name, state name
Ø      bibliography
Ø      report outline, note cards and rough draft

______________2. State float or quilt
______________3. Power Point Presentation
______________4. Oral presentation with PPT (3-5 minutes)
**late work will be marked down by 10%

Student signature ______________________

Parent Signature                                        

**The entirety of the report information can be found on LennonSJS.blogspot.com


Copy of state seal-hwk
Social St.
Two different types of maps-hwk
Social St.
"Facts at a Glance" table - hwk
Social St.
Written 5 paragraph report final copy including the:
Ø      Cover with hand-drawn state flag, student name, state name, teacher, grade, date
Ø      graphics(maps, charts, pictures)
Ø      bibliography
Ø      report outline and note cards
Ø      rough draft

State float or quilt -hwk
Social St.
Power Point Presentation
Social St.
Oral presentation
Social St.

A Floating Parade
In celebration of the rich heritage and emblems of their state, students design model state floats for the parade. Each student should decide what the float will communicate to observers, then draw pictures of the float, and finally make a model of the float. Each model should be put on display and accompanied by an index card that explains the design and details of the float.
For instance, a float of Florida might feature pictures or paper models of oranges, palm trees, alligators and some state emblems. Likewise, Louisiana would feature a jazz and Mardi Gras theme and New York the Statue of Liberty.

Research To help plan the float, students need to research basic info on the state.
Ø      State Flag
Ø      State nickname (such as The Sunshine State or The Golden State)
Ø      Famous landmarks, attractions or events
Ø      Other symbols such as state tree, colors, flower, emblem, etc.
Ø      Decide on a theme or design

1)      Students start with a box (cereal or boot boxes work well-max size 12x18)
2)     if making a paper quilt, quilt squares should be 3x3 or 4x4 (inches)
3)     Cover the box with attractive colored paper
4)     Add your symbols and diorama figures (sturdy like tag board or cardboard)
5)     Use your imagination in making it as attractive as possible
6)     Make sure to use a variety of materials
7)     Students do NOT have to spend lots of money on materials nor buy figurines, look around your house, garage or see if we have supplies here at school.
State floats or quilts will be graded on the following criteria:
Content: Your float (or quilt) must include the following minimum 12 items:
1.       State Flag (5 points)
2.      State nickname (such as The Sunshine State or The Golden State) (5 points)
3.      State colors (5 points)
4.      Date state entered into the union (5 points)
5.      4+ famous landmarks, attractions, events, key products, or industries (20 points)
6.      4+ symbols such as the state tree, flower, emblem, etc. (20 points)

1.       A title index card with your name (5 points)
2.      Name of state must be prominently displayed (5 points)
3.      An index card that explains the design and details of the float (how you made it and with what). (5 points)
4.      neatness and quality of workmanship 25 points (20 points if only do the minimum)

Due Date:       Tuesday, Jan 31            **late work will be marked down by 10%

They will be displayed for Open House on February __2__.

Facts at a Glance

BY _______________________________________


date entered statehood

state abbreviation

state capital

state population (as of 2005)

state nickname

state colors

state bird

state flower

state _______________

state _______________

state _______________

largest city

Major Sports teams

slide #1
____state name-
____1-2 pictures/symbols that represent state
____teacher name
slide #2
State symbols
____state flag
____state nickname
____ 2-4 other symbols of state
slide #3
Basic Facts
____largest city
____ 2 own choice
slide #4
____location in US
____political map with capital
slide #5
____important dates
____famous people
slide #6
____physical map
____describe region
slide #7
slide #8
____major industries
____major crops/products
____Tourism (why people visit the state)
slide #9
explain what makes your state a great place to live or visit
slide #10
bibliography with links used

State Report
            List the following information on your top cover sheet:
            Title (name of your state)
            Name (your own, first & last) and number
            Grade (5th Grade or Fifth Grade)
            Teacher (Mrs. Lennon)
            Date (Date that report is due)
            Include hand drawn state flag

                                    List topics and page numbers. Do this page last.

3. Paragraph 1 --INTRODUCTION- -- Pg. 3
            Write about these using complete sentences:
a. Include the name of your state
b. Briefly describe what you will be writing and showing in your report such as interesting facts
     the reader will learn about (why should others want to live or visit there)
c. Location, bordering states and/or countries

4. Paragraph 2 HISTORY-- Pg. 4
            Write about at least one of these topics: *Statehood* Explorers* Indian tribes * Settlers *       Government* Past and current events * Wars and battles, famous people

5. Paragraph 3 GEOGRAPHY and CLIMATE-- Pg. 5, 6, 7
            Write about the geography and climate of your state- (how does the geography affect
            the climate?)
                        a. Make a physical map with the state capital and the major cities.
·         It should also include at:
·         Rivers and other bodies of water
·         Physical features (forests, mountains, plains, deserts, valleys, caverns, caves, canyons, etc.)
·         Major points of interest (historical and recreational sites)
                        b. Make a map or chart about one of the following:
·         Average rainfall (precipitation)
·         Average temperatures (summer and winter)

            Write about the natural resources/industries/products of your state (crops, mining, industries)
            You can include pictures, or a map or chart

                        Answer these questions using complete sentences for each category.
a. What is the most interesting thing about your state? Why?
b. Why should others want to visit or live there?
c. Tell about three things everyone should know and remember about your state (you should have already gone into detail about them in the report.

            List at least four resources you used for your report. It must include books, an encyclopedia, and   internet source.

9. Report Rough Draft with corrects shown

10. Report outline

11. Note cards

Title ______________________________

I. Introduction paragraph- brief – do not go into detail

            Thesis (main topic )__________________________________________________

A. ____________________________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________________________

            Conclusion _________________________________________________________

II. Body Paragraphs

            A. topic________________________________________________________________

1. support #1_________________________________________________________
2. support #2_________________________________________________________
3. support #3_________________________________________________________
4. support #4_________________________________________________________


B. topic________________________________________________________________

1. support #1_________________________________________________________
2. support #2_________________________________________________________
3. support #3_________________________________________________________
4. support #4_________________________________________________________


C. topic________________________________________________________________

1. support #1_________________________________________________________
2. support #2_________________________________________________________
3. support #3_________________________________________________________
4. support #4_________________________________________________________


III. Concluding Paragraph – review- do not go into detail

Thesis (repeat main topic )__________________________________________________
A. ____________________________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________________________
Conclusion ________________________________________________________
5 Paragraph Expository Essay –rubric
_____ Has a well developed topic paragraph
_____ Has a well developed conclusion paragraph
_____ Has at least 3 supporting paragraphs
_____ Has detail sentences that make sense, no run-ons
_____ Vocabulary varied, appropriate, descriptive
_____ Facts are correct
_____ All sentences begin differently, varied (* no two sentences begin the same)
_____ paragraphs with topic/ conclusion sentence.
_____ Spelling and grammar are correct
_____ Uses correct punctuation ( ) , : ” “
_____ Capitalizes correctly
_____ Uses correct verb tenses throughout the report.
Writing style (boxed) 3 MINIMUM PER PARAGRAPH
_____ Quality adjectives
_____ Quality adverbs
_____ Strong verbs
_____ Uses because, who/ which clauses