Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Progress Reports

Dear Parents,

A few notes about the fifth grade progress reports this first trimester:

1.      Every fifth grade student will receive a progress report this first trimester.  The progress report will include:
Ø      This cover page explanation
Ø      Work habits progress report with math assessment scores (sign and return)
Ø      Gradelink progress report (sign and return)
2.      In the following trimesters, only those students who need improvement in a subject area will receive a progress report.
3.      With two weeks of standardized testing and the general pace at the start of the year, at this point in the trimester, students have few grades.  With this in mind, students’ grades are prone to drastic fluctuations right now.  In other words, don’t panic if your child’s grades seem especially low or rejoice if they are especially high, there is still time this trimester.  If there is a pattern you have seen in your student’s agenda that may be affecting his/her grades, then we may want to discuss further.  Please email for an appointment: LennonSJS@me.com .

4.      Log on to Gradelink for further updates throughout the trimester
Ø       www.gradelink.com
...call the office if you are in need of login information
5.      Become a member of the 5th grade blog for classroom updates 
Ø      LennonSJS.blogspot.com


Mrs. Lennon