Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to Mrs. Lennon's first Post!

The new St. Jerome Blog spots are up and running! Yay!  Now you can visit me here to find all the latest information.

Next week, we will continue testing.  The third, fifth and seventh grades continue with the COGAT Tests. Thank you to all the parents who have sent an email to my address.  Our class will be a great success with open lines of communication.

As all the technology comes together, you will notice more of the student's grades posted on gradelink.  Please be patient as more grades are entered throughout the next couple of weeks, which will get us all up to speed from the beginning of the year.

You can visit gradelink at:

Gradelink (Click Here)

One last thank you to all those parents who attended the school mass on Thursday.  The fifth grade students were so happy to see your faces in the congregation!  I know many of the students told me, I saw my mom and started to sing louder! Ha! Great job!

Thanks for all your support this year!
Mrs. Lennon