Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Homework

5th grade Christmas Break Homework
Social Studies 
Read the newspaper and select an article. Write a summary (1-3 paragraphs maximum) about the article telling who, what, where, when, why and what you liked about it.

Simple Solutions: Lessons 19-24
Practice your multiplication 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, 11’s. 
          - See practice log
Try and list all prime numbers to 100. 
Try and list all composite numbers to 100. 

Reading and Writing 
Reading Log –
Check your reading responses:
1) Can my teacher tell that I read the passage?
2) Did I write a summary, an opinion or a recommendation?
3) Did I support my answer with information (details) from the text?
4) Did my writing relate to the story or article?

Get ready for the Science Experiments by checking out an experiment book from the public library. Look for topics that interest you. Talk to Mr. Del Toro for more information about the Science Experiments.