Friday, April 15, 2011

Civil War Living Museum Project

Written Report Due: 5/13
Oral Report Due: 5/16
            In this assignment, you will be researching important people from the 1850's through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Your job is to find the reason why each person is important to the Civil War Era.  Students will choose their Civil War Era persona in class (they will draw out of a hat).

*Do not just copy from the Internet. You must write in your own words. If you do not know what something means, look it up, or don't write it. You will be presenting your research in a written report and as a “living museum,” an oral presentation.

Written report:
  1. A picture of the person you researched.
  2. Write what you have learned about the person’s early years.
    1. Where did this person grow up?
    2. How did these childhood experiences influence the person’s achievements as an adult?
  3. What were this person’s main accomplishments?
    1. What factors influenced this person’s achievements?
    2. What influence did this person have on the Civil War Era?
    3. What is your opinion of this person’s life and accomplishments?
  4. How has this person made an impact on others' lives?
  5. Quotes and interesting information about the person
  6. Bibliography page with sources.

Oral Presentation
          For this part of the project, you need to become the character that you have selected, complete with costume and props.   You are to use your information that you have gathered to write a two minute speech that is written as though you are speaking as the character you are depicting.  Be sure that you use factual information to complete the oral presentation. The presentation can be written on index cards to help you organize your thoughts, but it must be “mostly” memorized prior to your oral report.
  1. What is your name and what is your family background?
  2. What city and state are you from?
  3. What is your position on the war?  Are you for the North or the South?  Why?
  4. What work are you doing in the Civil War?  Explain your job or work. How was it important to the war effort?
  5. What tools do you use?  How do they make your job easier?
  6. Who are your friends or allies?  How do they help you?
  7. Did you work closely with any other group or persons in the war?

What is a prop?  You must have an item that your character would have used during the war to enhance your oral presentation. For example, as a drummer boy, you would have a drum, or as Abraham Lincoln, you might have a book since he loved reading, or a scroll with the Emancipation Proclamation on it.  After researching, you may get some good ideas about what your character would have used.

Expectations: There is a rubric for the oral presentation and written speech (which will be given to the students next week). The criteria and the expectations are clear.  Have fun with this and learn a lot.  You are becoming an expert on your role. 

Civil War Websites:

Below are several Civil War websites that I have found to be great for research. Have fun exploring.