Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Social Studies, Ch. 11, Lesson 1

Chapter 11, Lesson I Outline
I. The First Shot Is Fired
A. The British sent soldiers to hunt for hidden colonial weapons.
B. Fighting breaks out between the British and Minutemen on the Lexington green.
C. The British retreat to Boston after losses at North Bridge in Concord.
II. The Continental Congress Meets
A. Congress prepares for war by organizing an army, issuing paper money, setting up a commission to keep peace with the Indians, and looking for support from other European countries.
B. Congress issues the Olive Branch Petition, but King George rejects the colonists' requests.
III. The Colonists Declare Independence
A. Thomas Paine's book called Common Sense persuades many Americans to fight for independence.
B. Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence.
C. Congress votes to accept the Declaration on July 4, 1776.