Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Social Studies Notes...(cont.)

We have been studying the important individuals, who were essential in the formation of the British Colonies. In class, students worked alone, in small groups and in our large discussion group to read, take notes, discuss and study the first British Colonies in the New World. We created video strips (updated and due tomorrow), watched videos on the Active Board and created word web notes for each of these individuals:

**The following founders will be included on the test tomorrow:

***Will continue to update ... notes can be found here... but, sure to study your notes, your book and your video book (reload your browser to see if any additional information has been added).

1 ) Cecil Calvert (son of George Calvert) the Second Lord Baltimore
- Founded Maryland (after the First Lord Baltimore received the land grant).
- Based on freedom of religion and separation of church and state.
- Safe place for Roman Catholics who were persecuted by the Church of England.
- Treated Native Americans well and had friendly relations and trade with them.

2 ) Roger Williams - Rhode Island
- Born in England in 1599,
- Became a Puritan and left England for religious freedom.
- Founded Rhode Island (after being kicked out of Massachusetts) for religious freedom for ALL religions.
- He came to America in order that he might escape religious persecution and enjoy religious freedom.
- Kicked out of the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony for his views about religious freedom for all religions and for his friendship and views about the Native Americans.
     -- While winning the friendship of the Indians, Roger Williams angered the Puritans by saying in      strong language that they had no just claim to the lands they were living on.
     -- He said that the King had no right to grant to any company these lands, because they had never belonged to him. The Indians, and only the Indians, owned them. It is needless to say that such arguments made many enemies.

3 ) William Bradford
- Plymouth Colony (Massachusetts)
- A Pilgrim, Separatist and a Puritan (know these definitions)
- Mayflower Compact - (know the main idea of the Mayflower Compact)
- The aid of the Wampanoags under the leadership of Massasoit, signaled new hope.

4 ) John Winthrop
- Massachusetts Bay Colony (Massachusetts)
- In 1628 some of the leading Puritans formed a trading company and bought a tract of land in America from the Plymouth Company.
-  Two years later eleven vessels sailed with nearly 1,000 Puritans, bringing with them horses, cattle, and stores of various kinds.
- John Winthrop, their leader, was the first governor.

5 ) William Penn
- Founded Pennsylvania.
- Based on freedom of religion and a safe place for Quakers.
- Friendly with the Native Americans.  Paid them for the land, even though the land was granted to him by the King of England.

6 ) John Smith - Jamestown/Virginia
- John Smith, a soldier, was one of the first appointed officials of Jamestown
- Colony founded by Virginia Company of London
- Founded to make money searching for silver and gold
- He saved the colony by instituting and enforcing the rule, "No work, no food."
- Accepted all religions.

California Content Standard: 
5.4 Students understand the political, religious, social, and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. 
- Identify the major individuals and groups responsible for the founding of the various colonies and the reasons for their founding (e.g., John Smith, Virginia; Roger Williams, Rhode Island; William Penn, Pennsylvania; Lord Baltimore, Maryland; William Bradford, Plymouth; John Winthrop, Massachusetts). 
- Describe the religious aspects of the earliest colonies (e.g., Puritanism in Massachu­
setts, Anglicanism in Virginia, Catholicism in Maryland, Quakerism in Pennsylvania)