Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Field Trip Tomorrow!!

Here is some additional information:

Ms. Cindy visited our class today and presented wonderful information!  She brought stuffed species for the students to handle and lots of slides to see.  Have your student tell you all about all the great information!

The day should go something like this... 

9:00 - Bus arrives   
9:15 - We depart 
9:30 - We arrive and visit bathroom get situated... no bathrooms on tour... so everyone MUST go before!
9:45 - Tour begins!  

It is a walking tour, so be sure to bring comfortable tennis shoes that you do not mind if they get dirty and a hat if you want.  We will walk through the wetlands and observe plants and animals in their natural habitat.  Students will also be part of the "restoration project" where they will dig up non-indigenous plants and plant species of plants that belong in the habitat.  

12:30 Tour ends
12:40 Lunch at picnic area - Bring a sacked lunch to eat, there are no "gift or snack" shops.
1:00 - Stay at park/picnic area to play, or head across the street to the beach...maybe bring some flip-flops for the beach time... or a towel to sit on...
2:00  - Depart back to school.